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Is advice only the domain of HNI?


Well for starters, my interaction with customers of all categories, i.e. retail to mass affluent or even budding HNI’s, not just in today’s market scenario, but since last 15 years of my corporate career, is that customers don’t mind paying for advice, as long as same delivers, “what is preached?”
Pop comes out question; why we don’t have players or offerings which takes care of same?
My understanding, it’s all about vision & execution from a leader or from a company, where we have very few risk takers or even innovators. We all follow a herd mentality, not just at a customer level, but even at a company & leader levels. In short, we have very few companies, who would want to try new products or create new demand. I am talking about companies like Apple, Facebook, even our own Tata motors with Nano… all have DNA built on innovation & customer centric working. Whereas most of the other companies, follow the herd mentality.


New Year Resolution 2015


With 2015 few days away, I thought of writing the most debated topic & a crucial benchmark, which always get backseat…. What should come first? Expenses or investments?
Let me start with you… which one will you prefer?

  • Income minus expenses equals investments
  • Or Income minus investments equals expenses

I will not be surprised, if you have selected the 1st option, as most of us including myself (till few years back though) follows the first model, i.e. we take out expenses from our monthly income first & balance is looked at investments later, on what is left.

I started thinking as to why most of us follow this model, even though back of the mind we know it’s wrong.I started comparing societies & countries on how they follow savings & investments. What comes out clearly in the culture & upbringing an individual goes through, where I can draw parallel to the most heated topic of 2014, “women empowerment”.


January 15th, Deadline by HR

Tax Saving

This is a usual scenario with all corporate employees in India, where in Dec one gets a mail from HR to submit tax saving proofs to avail tax saving benefits, given by the Tax department under various heads, key being 80C, 80D & section 24.

Confused, where to go, contradicting advice, & above all big Gyan by all on do’s & don’ts. Today I thought of writing something different, a guide to make you plan & execute same, which will not take more than 10 minutes of your time & easy to use.

I have divided this feature into three parts, where part one covers 80C, to avail exception for 1.5lacs, part two will cover 80D, to covers 0.35lacs & part three covers section 24, towards 2lacs.

In short, your investments amounting to 3.85lacs will attract no tax… if you plan well.


Women don’t need a different retirement plan!

Women Retirement Plan

Women don’t need a different retirement plan; as saving for her is done by her husband! The only thing she plans is SHOPPING! This is what one of my friends said when we were recently discussing about my new job domain (i.e. financial planning). I was rapt by her statement because that was not true.

Women and men are way different from each other. Everyone will agree on this. So does a retirement plan requirement is different for both? Now you will say that investment basics will remain same. Allocation in Bonds, shares, stocks, etc will not change much for women, then how can a retirement plan for them be different?

Why she requires different retirement plan?
