
What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

What happens if you die without a will?

A will is a legal document by which a person can express what should be done with their assets when they die. Very few people however prepare their will. When a person dies without a will, it can lead to disputes among family members regarding who will have claim to the assets. The true heirs may also have to spend time and money to claim the assets which are rightfully theirs. In such cases, the assets are passed on according to the succession laws of the religion to which the deceased person belongs.




E-Will, one of the recent fads in the financial market, where recently two big institutions have launched this service & many more are in the pipeline. I thought of writing this article on two aspects, does an individual really needs a will & more importantly how should one look at it, if it’s required?

Will, which is better known as “Vasiyat” or “Vasiyatnama” in Hindi, is no doubt an important legal document. Even though we all are governed by the succession law, as per the religion we follow, but importance of a Will is felt when there is a difference of opinion or understanding among the family members of the deceased.
