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Don’t just invest in Mutual Funds… Invest in customized Mutual Funds Plan!

How to choose correct Mutual Funds

I’ll be the odd one out here, where I’m asking not to invest in Mutual Funds.

Whereas, the entire country is abuzz with Mutual Funds growth story & one can see smart campaigns, on why they are the best?

To start with, I have this usual question, do you understand Mutual Funds?


Mutual Funds Sahi Hai… but, how to select mutual Funds?

Are there different funds for different goals

Mutual Funds murmur is all over the town today, we can see Ads virtually all across, i.e. TV, Cinema halls, Bill boards, Print-media, and all this promoted thru various stake holders.

But the big question, like the most common Ad by AMFI, “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai”, is how to select funds?

There are more than 2000 primary mutual fund schemes in India, offered thru 43 Mutual Fund companies. Primary schemes will further have many variants, known as plans (for e.g. Dividend, Growth etc.). If all of them are taken into account, there would be more than 11k+ schemes. Data from Wikipedia.


The Right Advisor


After reading an article by Carl Richard, “The Behaviour Gap” … Investing is not about skill, but about behaviour.

From his article, Quote … “Even by owning an average mutual fund, investors who behave correctly can outperform 99% of their neighbours. Alternatively, for investors who spend their whole lives searching for the best investment, an entire lifetime’s return can be wiped out by one single behavioural mistake.” Unquote.


Mistakes Customer Make – as per Financial Advisors survey

financial mistakes
  1. Mixing Insurance, Tax plan & Investments
  2. Being Under insured
  3. Excessive or expensive Loans
  4. Excessive property & physical investments
  5. Lure of IPO’s
  6. No estate planning

Recently I found this survey in one of the leading newspapers (Mint), where financial advisors were asked to list down investment mistakes, they found with their customers. I thought of writing, not on these mistakes, but on specific asset class and how one should look at.


Insurance data – an eye opener

insurance claim form

When we say Insurance, what comes first in your mind? answer would be, LIC.

And if I further probe, what LIC means? answer would be, money back plan or some investment plan.

I was reading an article today in Mint, “Life insurance policies continue to die early”, prompted me to write this blog. As per the article, which is based on data analysis from IRDA (persistency ratios), it states that 2nd year renewal on Insurance policy stands below 80%, and 6th year renewal stands below 50%. Which means, every 2nd customer, is not renewing insurance policy after the 5th year. Why?


Do It Yourself (DIY) accounts – a success or a myth?

Do it Yourself

Do it yourself (DIY) is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things, without the direct aid of experts or professionals. (as per Wikipedia)

Well, it’s the latest buzzword in town, where everyone wants to use services on their own. And as a matter of fact, service providers are offering accounts & services, with DIY embedded in that.

But how far is this true or successful?


My Dream & What I Do


Well, it’s not my story, but “OUR” story, as I am no different than any one of you, with regards to how we all think or “DREAM” & how we act.

In this blog, I want to highlight interesting insights, on what most of us dream about, when we save our hard-earned money, and finally what we end up doing or our decisions on same. We conducted a small survey and asked basic questions on savings & purpose.

On Savings, it’s interesting, as well as surprising to know that, young one’s (below 30) are thinking on higher savings compared to seniors. Wow!

And, in terms of Purpose, brands which play important role in our daily life, comes later, compared to future savings like retirement & kid’s education. Excellent!

We score 100 out of 100, on our Dreams.


Credit Card – do I have the freedom?

Credit Card

I still remember the day, final month of my post-graduation, and we have these credit card chaps standing outside the gate. As would be, I went ahead & applied for the card 😉

My job is three months away, and here I have this plastic card, which gives me the freedom & cash, and within no time, I used up 50% of my limit, without any income in hand. All in the premise that first series of pay, I will knock off the outstanding.


Financial Planning Report – too complicated!


We are living in a world where “complicated” sounds great than “simplicity”. As “complicated” contains big data, fancy graphs, unheard terms & jargons, multiple pages and finally a confused look on our face. What do I do now? On the other hand, when we have “simplicity”, usual remark… I can do it myself. 😉

I am referring to a customer’s “Financial Planning Report” or a “Wealth Management Report”.

Whether you have seen one or someone trying to show you one (sell)… believe me, it’s like reading a multi-page research report and finally you asking this question again, what do I do now?


Women’s day – Let’s Stop “Girls Can’t Do” Stories


International Women’s Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year. In different region’s the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women for their economic, political and social achievements. (as per Wikipedia)

Benetton, known for its wacky campaigns, has come out with a thought provoking campaign again, why ask or cry for equality with men, just go and grab it yourself lady. Similar stories are now emerging on age old fairy tales, where princess is waiting for a prince for upliftment or change, and our little girl is asking, why she has to wait? & why she cannot do it on its own?
