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DIVIDEND PLANS – frequently asked questions


What are Dividend Plans in Mutual Funds?
Are Dividend Plans active due to rising market?
Who should opt for these plans? Does it help in Tax saving?

What are Dividend Plans in Mutual Funds?
The returns that an investor gets in a dividend plan, are of two types;

  • Value appreciation
  • Dividend


CHILD PLANS – frequently asked questions

Child Plan-FAQ

What are Child Plans?
Which Child Plan to Pick?
How is Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme?

What are Child Plans?

Child plans are predominantly covered by Insurance companies, where currently plans have a fixed premium, to be paid over a period and invested money/ returns paid back when the child enters a certain age (which is generally 16, 18 and/or 21). The main drawback of these type of plans:


The Mad Tax Rush


Come December,and our Tax worry starts multiplying, not because you didn’t plan it, but due to the chatter outside.

HR/ CA asking for “Tax investment proofs” submission, colleagues/ peers giving their super-human stories on “Best investments”, and banks/ individual insurance agents offering “Mouth-watering” deals.

I’ve been writing blogs on Tax savings instruments since last few years, and my experience with family, friends &Moneyfrog customers, more-or-less remains same, i.e. despite of planning or knowing about Tax saving instruments, we make mistakes.


Bitcoin surges to $11000


If you would have bought $1000 of Bitcoin in 2013-beginning, you would be planning your retirement now, as you’ll be sitting on $80 million.

There are 16.7 million bitcoins, which have been released in the system till now, with 12.5 new ones released roughly every 10 minutes, thru a process called “mining”. Mining is a process, where global network of computers competes to solve complex algorithms in reward for the new bitcoins.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and a worldwide payment (more…)

Invest in 30 seconds!!!

buy mutual funds online

At, we have recently released the latest version of Moneyfrog Android App. We have made it Simpler, Easier & Fun-filled for customers to relate, understand & finally make decisions, towards online mutual funds execution (buy/ sell).

Smart phone has become the magic-wand of future, and controls literally everything. Mobile app plays the connecting role with the customers & the manufactures (products or mutual funds). The usability, design, flow & speed are some of the key parameters which makes an app successful.

With the android release, we have tried solving the first part, i.e. we want first time customers to relate, understand, activate & execute on their own.

We are looking at 1lac+ downloads in the next 6 to 9 months, with various marketing campaigns planned. Since we are “work in progress”, we will have new release happening every fortnight on new features henceforth.

Moneyfrog Consultants Private Limited, is an AMFI registered Mutual Fund distributor, managing AUM upward of 250crs, with a registered customer base of 11k.

Next android release; we will go live on NSE NFM-II API integration, which will include all AMC’s schemes being part of the execution platform.

** iOS release be done by Jan18.

Mutual Fund Disclaimer: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns.

Why Doctors Should have a Financial Plan?

financial planning for doctors

A right financial planner is the doctor of doctors!

Doctor’s duty is to understand the patient’s problems, diagnose it and then provide the right medication or solution to them. But when it comes to their own financial planning, do doctors go to a financial planner or a financial doctor? I randomly spoke to my doctors & their friends, outcome was startling… as none of them have a financial planner.


Don’t just invest in Mutual Funds… Invest in customized Mutual Funds Plan!

How to choose correct Mutual Funds

I’ll be the odd one out here, where I’m asking not to invest in Mutual Funds.

Whereas, the entire country is abuzz with Mutual Funds growth story & one can see smart campaigns, on why they are the best?

To start with, I have this usual question, do you understand Mutual Funds?


Mutual Funds Sahi Hai… but, how to select mutual Funds?

Are there different funds for different goals

Mutual Funds murmur is all over the town today, we can see Ads virtually all across, i.e. TV, Cinema halls, Bill boards, Print-media, and all this promoted thru various stake holders.

But the big question, like the most common Ad by AMFI, “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai”, is how to select funds?

There are more than 2000 primary mutual fund schemes in India, offered thru 43 Mutual Fund companies. Primary schemes will further have many variants, known as plans (for e.g. Dividend, Growth etc.). If all of them are taken into account, there would be more than 11k+ schemes. Data from Wikipedia.


The Right Advisor


After reading an article by Carl Richard, “The Behaviour Gap” … Investing is not about skill, but about behaviour.

From his article, Quote … “Even by owning an average mutual fund, investors who behave correctly can outperform 99% of their neighbours. Alternatively, for investors who spend their whole lives searching for the best investment, an entire lifetime’s return can be wiped out by one single behavioural mistake.” Unquote.


Mistakes Customer Make – as per Financial Advisors survey

financial mistakes
  1. Mixing Insurance, Tax plan & Investments
  2. Being Under insured
  3. Excessive or expensive Loans
  4. Excessive property & physical investments
  5. Lure of IPO’s
  6. No estate planning

Recently I found this survey in one of the leading newspapers (Mint), where financial advisors were asked to list down investment mistakes, they found with their customers. I thought of writing, not on these mistakes, but on specific asset class and how one should look at.
