Tag Archive: lic

Insurance data – an eye opener

insurance claim form

When we say Insurance, what comes first in your mind? answer would be, LIC.

And if I further probe, what LIC means? answer would be, money back plan or some investment plan.

I was reading an article today in Mint, “Life insurance policies continue to die early”, prompted me to write this blog. As per the article, which is based on data analysis from IRDA (persistency ratios), it states that 2nd year renewal on Insurance policy stands below 80%, and 6th year renewal stands below 50%. Which means, every 2nd customer, is not renewing insurance policy after the 5th year. Why?


Insurance in India; what it means? – Investment series 2


A recent survey conducted by an international agency on India’s financial literacy:

  • 67% of the Indian prone to think insurance as investment

  • ONLY 7% people have taken term insurance, out of all who pays insurance premium

  • ONLY 5% of people have health insurance

  • 92% people after their retirement depend on the children and 8% who plan for retirement, 61% of them resort to insurance as retirement plan
