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Sabbatical – 1 year freedom from hectic work-life; but how do I plan my finances?

are you prepared for Sabbatical

Exhausted and tired from long day at office and travel, Amit Kumar went to sleep wondering if this is life that he will live all through. He dreamt of his childhood days and all that he could enjoy doing it. He remembered how he was good at telling jokes and doing performances in school and village programs. His wild imagination saw him doing what he loved and making name for himself. Though he earned decent enough he was happy doing it. He liked living in serene countryside in the beauty and solitude of nature. But suddenly his dream was broken to reality as his wife woke him for sleeping late. Fortunately, it was week-end and he kept wondering if he could live his dreams.


Mutual Funds = 2-minute Maggi Noddle

Is mutual funds selection as easy as instant noodles?

Sounds exciting! This is the story of Mutual funds today.

We all are looking at Mutual Funds like a 2-minute Maggi noddle. Maggi is promoted as an instant noddle, i.e. it can be cooked in flat 2 minutes, without any hassle & help, compared to Chinese noodles, which requires time & effort.

Mutual Funds on a similar note, are projected as the best investment avenue, where one can easily shortlist funds (with diverse options), and execution (buy) takes not more than 10 minutes effort (as claimed by many).


How to build your first CRORE

How to build your first CRORE?

Deepak was a daydreamer. He often used to dream of living a life free from 9 to 5 work life, pursuing his passion and creativity, spending time with family, doing social work etc. He wondered how much amount of wealth or bank balance is needed so that interest earned could take of his living and give him enough time to live life on his terms. He figured out that One crore kept in mutual funds could take care of his monthly expenses with some surplus to take care of contingencies. So, creating a wealth of one crore became his driving force to earning as well defining economic discipline. He also understood that just savings is not enough; the saving has to be utilized to create further wealth.


Pay hike or Bonus – how do I Plan?

Pay hike or Bonus - how do I Plan?

There are few days when one is eager to reach office in time. It’s the day of declaration of performance appraisal or bonus. Both mean increase in take home income that could be used for various things. One will find that in almost all cases the money to be used for, is decided quite in advance and mostly for some holidays or buying some new things. Very few follow the principle of using the increased income to reduce liability like loan or invest for long term benefits. A random survey would indicate that a very small number have a financial plan in place and allocate their money according to the plan.


Mutual Funds Guide to Millennial


Akash just completed his MBA and landed a six figure salaried job in IT company. The shift from small town to city with its fast lifestyle made him ecstatic as his dreams came true. Work hard and party harder became his life. At the same time, he fulfilled his family obligations by taking care of his parents. His girlfriend born and brought up in city had a problem of plenty. Living life today was the mantra. But a sudden economic slowdown and many of these young generation had no saving to fall back on. Welcome to the millennial generation of urban India.


Mutual Funds Name Change, Category consolidation – how does this affect me?

Mutual Funds Name Change

“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Most Indian mutual fund managers won’t agree with the above quote. SEBI has instructed Mutual fund companies to distinguish different schemes in terms of asset allocation and investment strategy. The aim is make it easier for the investor to compare the products. According to the regulator, AMCs use these names as marketing tools to attract customers and many of the new buyers may not fully understand the scheme. This makes sense if one has to choose from around 1998 mutual fund schemes (AMFI March 2016 newsletter) that have raised funds till date.


Financial Planning for Defence Personnel

Financial Planning for Defence Personnel

The recent news of 23-year young Captain who laid his life while fighting on the border moved my heart. Their patriotism and the willingness to risk life for the nation is commendable. This emotional fervor for them last for few days and then the reality of life dawns on their family. As a financial planner I was wondering about their families and whether they plan their finances.


Financial Planning for Pilots


Our international flight landed at Mumbai airport and I heaved a sigh of relief. I was irritated by Long sitting hours, headache, temporary deafness due to air pressure, booming noise, turbulence and last but not the least-fear of crash. While exiting the plane, a passing thought came to my mind- if air traveler goes through all these what about the staff especially the Air pilot who do their job day in day out!

Beyond the excitement of flying the plane, a Pilot’s career means odd working hours, medical issues, mandatory retirement age and job uncertainty due to airlines going bust.


Reducing FD rates, a concern for retired


Mr. Joshi, a senior citizen is worried man today. His income from FD has been getting less by the day and on other hand monthly expenses have been rising. To add to the worries are the rising medical expenses. For the generation that has retired in last few decades, retirement pension or interest income from FD was the income support in old days.

Changing times call for different approach. A good mix of fixed income and market linked products is the answer to ensure optimal investment returns. Investing Rs 15 lakh in Pradhan Mantri Vayu Vandana Yojana provides assured return of 8% with monthly income of Rs 10,000.

Investments in debt and balanced funds schemes can give higher returns and better protection of capital. These investments are tax efficient if invested over three years. A small exposure to equity mutual funds over 3-5 year horizon can provide for capital appreciation. The increased returns should also be used for having adequate insurance cover to meet medical expenses. A small sum in liquid fund for emergency needs can take care of any contingency.