SIP or Time the Market?

The way market is behaving since last six months, most of us with running SIP’s, have this question, what to do next? Continue, Stop, Reduce or Increase SIP?
When we start an equity SIP, our calculation is based on the long term goal allocation & not the short term impact. Logic of SIP is based on two facts:
- Monthly Savings: where based on cash-flow, savings are parked in the allocated equity fund, else same will remain in the bank savings account (earning just 4/6%) till the time one decides, or best, will get consumed in some lifestyle purchase.
- Cost Averaging: idea is simple, no one can predict the market, therefore the best time-tested philosophy, is to make the best out of the market, i.e. to follow a disciplined approach on monthly investment, irrespective of the market movement (ups & downs of the market), and average out the cost, by buying at all levels.