Tag Archive: budget planning

What’s Your Budget Personality?

What's your Budget personalities

Our personalities inform how we approach every part of our lives. From the workplace to friendships and even at home, your distinct style is uniquely yours when you interact with the world around you. This goes for budgets, too. Personalities often impact how you spend, save and manage your money, sometimes positively and sometimes impeding your progress.

Do you know your budget personality? Check out these four common types and corresponding tips to jump-start your road to better financial health. You just may recognize yourself!


How to Create Your First Budget?

How to Create Your First Budget

There are many milestones of being an adult. Signing your own lease for the first time, being able to rent a car, having someone call you ma’am.

But being an adult also means being responsible for your own finances. Like many things, you can’t have a successful financial future if you don’t plan for it. The best way to do that? Create a budget.

Creating a budget can seem daunting, but it just requires a series of steps. See below for help on creating your first budget.

Track your expenses

Before you can start a budget full of limits, you need to know how much you’re spending right now. Take two or three months to spend normally and track your transactions in Moneyfrog.in.

Fixed expenses like rent, insurance and utilities will be easier to monitor than variable expenses, such as groceries, entertainment and travel, which will fluctuate month-to-month.


Here’s What to Do If You Can’t Pay Your Bills On Time

You Can’t Pay Your Bills On Time

Not having enough money to pay the bills is an issue we may face from time to time. Life is full of financial ups-and-downs, and after all, we’re all human.

Don’t beat yourself about the situation or get discouraged. Vow to take action. If you don’t make changes, things will stay the same. If you’re in a tough financial spot, here’s what to do when you can’t pay your bills on time, and tips on how to best handle the situation.

1. Don’t Hide From the Facts
Do you know why you can’t pay your bills? Did you overspend, have to make up for an emergency, or was it just human error? Don’t hide from the facts, but instead embrace them head-on. Not dealing with this financial mess can lead to more late fees, higher interest rates, additional interest charges, and even damage your credit report.
