This is a story of my senior, narrated to us in one of the training sessions, worth sharing, therefore thought of writing.
I joined my first gym, some 6 years back, a well-equipped and a renowned gym of my vicinity. After completing the first three days (free trial), seeing others with well-toned physic, I was inspired to go ahead on the annual subscription. My enthusiasm kept me disciplined for my new routine, for the next few weeks. My mornings were early, reaching the gym before time, warming-up and starting with the pre-planned sessions.
By the third week, this enthusiasm started fading… and soon my work, family, & above all, my laziness took over, resulting in just 5 days in the next 6 months. Life moved on, and so did I 😉.
After a good 2 years later, I saw a colleague of mine in-shape, and this got me thinking again. My curiosity arose & I asked him about his working-out pattern and gym details. He introduced me to a completely new concept of working out. He had purchased all common gym equipment’s and turned one room of his residence into a gym. He shared his gym experience, and with his in-house gym, he has a fit body!
My brain started working out on the calculations. Buying gym equipment Vs, a gym subscription. Buying the gym equipment’s and creating one at home looked pretty exciting and it worked as a new bait for my brain to take up the new challenge. What next? Skipping rope, dumbbells, weights, cycle, walking track, all were bought home in the following months and they became my new muse. There was no routine or a strict schedule to my working out, but it went well for a couple of months. But my laziness soon took over again, and even this plan didn’t work.
After two failed attempts, I gave up on the gym for almost 2 years.
Last year, one of my friends dragged me to his gym. He sent me reminders to ensure that I wake up early. In the gym, we subscribed for a personal trainer, who helped us on a routine, based our body types and issues. And I have been a regular since.
What’s different now? well, laziness is a human attribute, and common to all of us. What we all need; is a push, or a nudge, daily (or regular basis), to keep us going. Which is also evident in our work & every aspect of life. For my gym, this started with my friend & taken over by my trainer later.
Investing is also very similar, you get into doing on your own first, seeing the ads or others… but you repent later, moreover discipline never sets in… that’s why, it’s advised to be guided by experts, not just once but on a regular basis.
Photo credit: diaryofajournalplanner.com