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Critical Illness Insurance


Critical illness insurance is a policy that covers some specific life threatening diseases. It typically covers illnesses like cancer, heart attack, organ transplant, kidney failure and paralysis. These conditions may seriously affect your lifestyle and your ability to earn income in the future. The cost of treatment of such illness is also very high and can easily drain your lifetime worth of savings.


Cash is King


India is a largely cash dependent economy. Even after extensive drive for digitization of transaction, cash still remains the go to option for many individuals. Cash transactions have yet again come on par with the pre-demonetisation levels. Though there is huge progress in the number of digital transactions, there is still a long way to go. Here is why cash is king for most individuals.


BUDGET 2019 – Full of JOSH!

Budget 2019

The Modi government delivered an impactful budget today, just before the elections, showering multiple benefits to the Tax Paying Citizens. Key benefits are as under:

Tax Rebate:The government has proposed to introduce full tax rebate for individuals earning up to 5lacs. With Tax saving investments included, the tax rebate extends to income till 7.25lacs. (includes 1.50lacs under section 80C, 50k in NPS, 25k in health insurance)


Growth vs. Dividend Mutual Fund


Mutual fund offers growth plan and dividend plan option for the same funds. The portfolio in which the fund invests is the same and the only difference is the treatment of gains.

In a growth option investors do not get payout in the form of dividend, instead this amount is reinvested in your fund. This increases the NAV of the fund. As there is reinvestment, the returns get compounded overtime and increase you returns in long term.


The Right Time To Start Financial Planning


Financial planning is a process which helps you to manage your finances. It works by linking your investments to your financial goals so that you can secure your future and be ready for life’s surprises.

The right time to start financial planning is as soon as you start earning even if your income may not be high at this point. Starting early will instill discipline in you and it will become a habit instead of urgency in the later years of your life. It will also give you a bigger benefit of compounding and thus a bigger corpus for your later years. At this age, you can afford to invest in riskier investment option such as equities. You will also be able to buy insurance at a low premium when you are young.


Life Insurance – Secrets No One Shares

Term insurance

We work hard day and night so that we earn enough for our loved ones to live a stress free and comfortable life. And we would obviously want that security to continue even if we are not around anymore. This is where life insurance comes to your rescue, and you can be with your family after you are gone, financially at least. This is why everyone with dependent members in family must have life insurance. But before you buy insurance we want you to read the below mentioned secrets about life insurance which the insurer will rarely tell you.
