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LTA Tax Exemption – Leave Travel Allowance

LTA Tax Exemption – Leave Travel Allowance

LTA doesn’t need any introduction; but has a tricky claim process & understanding.

First & foremost, one can claim LTA only for 2 years in a block of 4 years (current block is 2018-21). In case of no-claim in this block of 4 years, you are allowed to carry forward one-year, i.e. if you have not claimed in previous block (2014-17), now for current block, you can claim for three years 😉.


What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

What happens if you die without a will?

A will is a legal document by which a person can express what should be done with their assets when they die. Very few people however prepare their will. When a person dies without a will, it can lead to disputes among family members regarding who will have claim to the assets. The true heirs may also have to spend time and money to claim the assets which are rightfully theirs. In such cases, the assets are passed on according to the succession laws of the religion to which the deceased person belongs.


How Many of You have Started Retirement Planning?

retirement planning

Are you among those people who think that they are too young to start saving for retirement? If yes then there is a need to change your outlook. Many people start retirement planning only when they are close to retirement. This is not a good idea as the later you start the lower will be your retirement corpus and vice versa. This is because it takes time for money to grow and give reasonable returns and if you start late your money will not have enough time to grow.


Should You Go for Child Plan?

should you buy child plan?

Every parent wants the best for their child. They want them to get the best of education and be financially secure and are willing to compromise or postpone their own dreams for the sake of their children. It therefore becomes necessary to choose the right financial plan for their future. Planning for their future needs to be started as early as possible. Assuming an inflation of 8%, it is safe to conclude that cost of education will rise significantly in the next 10 to 20 years. Many companies offer Child plan for these needs. So is Child plan the right option for your child’s need or should you consider other options?


Asset allocation: Diversifying Investments


Good investment strategy is the key to achieve your financial goals. This can be done by minimizing risks and thereby maximizing returns. Risks can be minimized by diversifying your investments. In simpler terms it means `do not put all your eggs in one basket’. Your investments should not be focused on just one asset class. It should be allocated strategically in different asset classes. Diversified portfolios are proven to have reduced losses in events such as economic crisis or bearish stock market.


Critical Illness Insurance


Critical illness insurance is a policy that covers some specific life threatening diseases. It typically covers illnesses like cancer, heart attack, organ transplant, kidney failure and paralysis. These conditions may seriously affect your lifestyle and your ability to earn income in the future. The cost of treatment of such illness is also very high and can easily drain your lifetime worth of savings.


Cash is King


India is a largely cash dependent economy. Even after extensive drive for digitization of transaction, cash still remains the go to option for many individuals. Cash transactions have yet again come on par with the pre-demonetisation levels. Though there is huge progress in the number of digital transactions, there is still a long way to go. Here is why cash is king for most individuals.


BUDGET 2019 – Full of JOSH!

Budget 2019

The Modi government delivered an impactful budget today, just before the elections, showering multiple benefits to the Tax Paying Citizens. Key benefits are as under:

Tax Rebate:The government has proposed to introduce full tax rebate for individuals earning up to 5lacs. With Tax saving investments included, the tax rebate extends to income till 7.25lacs. (includes 1.50lacs under section 80C, 50k in NPS, 25k in health insurance)
