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Financial Planning for Woman

We have always seen our mothers on the front-foot, towards managing the house, family, husband, kids, or virtually everything in the house. Also referred as a “Tiger-mom” towards handling kid’s education, other activities, with a selfless motive, to ensure that kids just excel. And the story continues,with our dear spouse as well (wife). 😉

But when it comes to finance or investments, they just give it up, either it’s the father, or the dear husband, who becomes the driver on managing investments.

But I still recall, whenever one need handy cash or some contingency funds, pop comes the money, mostly as cash or some unknown Bank FD/ deposit.

So, here are 4 suggestions from my side, to become financially independent.

Idea is not to take over financial planning from the male domain, but know what is happening, have thing under control & to know, what next.